Sonntag, 23 April 2017 11:36

Bild des Monats: April - An der Südspitze Afrikas

Bild des Monats: April - An der Südspitze Afrikas

Da das derzeitige Aprilwetter seinem Namen alle Ehre macht, bereisen wir mit unserem Bild des Monats etwas wärmere Gefilde, genauer gesagt die oft unterschätze (wahre) Südspitze Südafrikas.

Wohin genau?

Aus irgendeinem Grund sind viele Menschen der Meinung, der südlichste Zipfel Afrikas wäre das Kap der Guten Hoffnung (Cape of Good Hope) ein paar Kilometer südlich von Kapstadt. Ein Blick auf die Landkarte verrät einem aber schnell, dass es noch so einige Flecken gibt, die viel weiter südlich liegen. Unter anderem auch der echte südlichste Punkt, das Cape Agulhas, knappe 1,5 Stunden mit dem Auto vom Kapstadt entfernt. Dieser hat gegenüber dem Kap der Guten Hoffnung vor allem den Vorteil, dass der beim Durchschnittstouristen ziemlich unbekannt ist. So verirren sich nur relativ wenige Leute zu diesem Ort, was den gemeinen Landschaftsfotografen natürlich freut. Machen wir uns also auf den Weg, der uns zugleich in die südlichste Ortschaft führt, das kleine Dörfchen "L'Agulhas" mit seinem Leuchtturm. Dieser ist zwar für deutsche Verhältnisse relativ klein, bietet aber genug Höhe für einen netten Ausblick über den Ort.

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Ein Boardwalk führt einen dann ein paar hundert Meter weiter zu einem Landmark (siehe hier), das dann tatsächlich den südlichsten Punkt Afrikas markiert. Außer dem Fakt, dass hier auch die Grenze vom Indischen in den Atlantischen Ozean verläuft, ist das aber eigentlich nicht weiter spektakulär. Die paar Touristen, die es bis hierhin geschafft haben, drehen meistens an diesem Punkt wieder um. Zugegebenermaßen sieht der Strand in westlicher Richtung auch nicht sehr einladend aus. Wenn man allerdings vernünftiges Schuhwerk anhat und einen knappen Kilometer durchhält, gelangt man zum Wrack der "Meisho Maru 38", einem japanischen Fischerkahn, der 1982 hier gestrandet ist. Ironischerweise noch in guter Sichtweite des Leuchtturms. Die Tatsache, dass sich an dieser Küste aber über 140 Wracks befinden, deutet zugegebenermaßen aber auch auf schwierige Verhältnisse hin. Hier soll das Wrack zum Sonnenuntergang in Szene gesetzt werden. 

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Standort und Sonne

Folgendes Bild, ein Screenshot der Desktop-App von The Photographers Ephermeris, verdeutlicht den eigentlichen Plan:

Die rote Nadel liegt auf dem Wrack, die graue Nadel auf dem geplanten Standort der Kamera (wer das Tool nicht kennt, dem sei unsere Einführung auf Youtube empfohlen). Die orangefarbene Linie zeigt die Richtung der Sonne, wenn sie zum Untergang die Horizontkante kreuzt. Diese sollte also im Bild ein kleines Stück rechts hinter dem Wrack untergehen. Wie es dann aber immer so ist, kommt es dann halt doch anders. Der im Vorfeld für theoretisch gut befundene Standort hatte nämlich zwei Nachteile: 1. Das Wrack war von dort aus schon relativ weit weg, was das Bild sehr "tele-lastig" machte. Für meinen Geschmack zu sehr. 2. Damit verbunden nahm mir das die Möglichkeit einen ansprechenden Vordergrund mit ins Bild zu bringen, ohne dass das Wrack zu klein im Hintergrund verschwindet. Davon abgesehen ärgerte ich mich, dass man aus dieser Perspektive nichts von dem orangenen Schimmer sehen konnte, den sie Sonne an das Wrack warf. Ich entschied mich also noch ein gutes Stück an der Küste entlang nach westwärts zu gehen, so dass ich letztendlich auf die Sonne im Bild verzichtete, aber das Wrack deutlich besser in Szene setzen konnte. Wie man am Bild unten sieht, habe ich das Wrack sogar an der Küste "überholt". Für die Sonne hab ich dann schlichtweg ein eigenes Bild aufgenommen.  

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Das finale Bild

Die Eckdaten zum finalen Bild sehen dann wie folgt aus. Zum Einsatz kam eine Canon EOS 6D mit angelegtem EF 17-40mm f/4 L Objektiv und ND1.8 64x Graufilter. Das Bild wurde dann bei 17mm mit f/5.6 bei ISO100 aufgenommen. 15 Sekunden reichten aus, um das Wasser entsprechend glattzubügeln. Die Nachbearbeitung fiel mit einer leichten Kontrast- und Schärfeanhebung minimal aus.  

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15055 Kommentare

  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 07:01 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey everyone!
    I recently came across some shocking information about lead in cinnamon, and I just had to share it with you all. I know we all love the rich flavor and warmth cinnamon brings to our food, but did you know that some cinnamon brands might be contaminated with lead?

    I’ve been using cinnamon in my smoothies, oatmeal, and even baked goods for years, so I didn’t think twice about the brand I was choosing. But after doing some research, I learned that certain cinnamon, especially the cheaper varieties, might have dangerous levels of lead. Lead can be harmful, especially if consumed over time, and it can accumulate in your body, leading to health issues like neurological problems and digestive issues.

    So, how do you avoid this dangerous lead in cinnamon? Well, I’ve been hunting for safe cinnamon brands, and I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to enjoy cinnamon without the risk. Some brands have been tested to be free from lead, so you can indulge in your favorite spice without worrying about your health.

    I highly recommend choosing lead-free cinnamon, and I’ve even compiled a list of the best safe cinnamon brands that you can trust. These brands make sure to test their products thoroughly, so you can enjoy your cinnamon without any worries.

    If you want to know more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and discover which brands to trust, check out my blog. I’ve included everything you need to make an informed decision when buying cinnamon. Don’t compromise your health—learn how to pick safe cinnamon and keep your food delicious and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 06:31 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey there! I hope you’re all doing well.

    I have to ask—have you ever thought about what’s really in the cinnamon you’re using every day? I didn’t either, until I started reading about lead contamination in cinnamon. It turns out, many brands of cinnamon contain harmful levels of lead, and we unknowingly consume it in our foods. It was a huge wake-up call for me, and I think it’s time we all started paying closer attention to the cinnamon we buy.

    I want to share with you what I’ve learned about lead in cinnamon and how to avoid it. For a while, I had no idea that some cheaper cinnamon brands could contain lead, but as I researched, I found that lead is often found in Cassia cinnamon (the most common type). That’s right—the same cinnamon you might be sprinkling on your coffee could be dangerous!

    But don't worry; I’ve found a solution. There’s plenty of lead-free cinnamon available, and I’ve listed the best safe cinnamon brands for you to check out.

    These brands prioritize your health by testing their products for lead, so you can enjoy all the benefits of cinnamon without the risk.

    I know how important it is to find quality ingredients for my kitchen, and now I’m on a mission to share that knowledge with you. If you want to learn more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and find out which brands are completely safe, head over to my blog. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this crucial information! Stay safe and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link Garadold Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 05:30 gepostet von Garadold

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  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 04:58 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey there! I hope you’re all doing well.

    I have to ask—have you ever thought about what’s really in the cinnamon you’re using every day? I didn’t either, until I started reading about lead contamination in cinnamon. It turns out, many brands of cinnamon contain harmful levels of lead, and we unknowingly consume it in our foods. It was a huge wake-up call for me, and I think it’s time we all started paying closer attention to the cinnamon we buy.

    I want to share with you what I’ve learned about lead in cinnamon and how to avoid it. For a while, I had no idea that some cheaper cinnamon brands could contain lead, but as I researched, I found that lead is often found in Cassia cinnamon (the most common type). That’s right—the same cinnamon you might be sprinkling on your coffee could be dangerous!

    But don't worry; I’ve found a solution. There’s plenty of lead-free cinnamon available, and I’ve listed the best safe cinnamon brands for you to check out.

    These brands prioritize your health by testing their products for lead, so you can enjoy all the benefits of cinnamon without the risk.

    I know how important it is to find quality ingredients for my kitchen, and now I’m on a mission to share that knowledge with you. If you want to learn more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and find out which brands are completely safe, head over to my blog. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this crucial information! Stay safe and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 04:39 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey everyone!
    I recently came across some shocking information about lead in cinnamon, and I just had to share it with you all. I know we all love the rich flavor and warmth cinnamon brings to our food, but did you know that some cinnamon brands might be contaminated with lead?

    I’ve been using cinnamon in my smoothies, oatmeal, and even baked goods for years, so I didn’t think twice about the brand I was choosing. But after doing some research, I learned that certain cinnamon, especially the cheaper varieties, might have dangerous levels of lead. Lead can be harmful, especially if consumed over time, and it can accumulate in your body, leading to health issues like neurological problems and digestive issues.

    So, how do you avoid this dangerous lead in cinnamon? Well, I’ve been hunting for safe cinnamon brands, and I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to enjoy cinnamon without the risk. Some brands have been tested to be free from lead, so you can indulge in your favorite spice without worrying about your health.

    I highly recommend choosing lead-free cinnamon, and I’ve even compiled a list of the best safe cinnamon brands that you can trust. These brands make sure to test their products thoroughly, so you can enjoy your cinnamon without any worries.

    If you want to know more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and discover which brands to trust, check out my blog. I’ve included everything you need to make an informed decision when buying cinnamon. Don’t compromise your health—learn how to pick safe cinnamon and keep your food delicious and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 03:25 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey there! I hope you’re all doing well.

    I have to ask—have you ever thought about what’s really in the cinnamon you’re using every day? I didn’t either, until I started reading about lead contamination in cinnamon. It turns out, many brands of cinnamon contain harmful levels of lead, and we unknowingly consume it in our foods. It was a huge wake-up call for me, and I think it’s time we all started paying closer attention to the cinnamon we buy.

    I want to share with you what I’ve learned about lead in cinnamon and how to avoid it. For a while, I had no idea that some cheaper cinnamon brands could contain lead, but as I researched, I found that lead is often found in Cassia cinnamon (the most common type). That’s right—the same cinnamon you might be sprinkling on your coffee could be dangerous!

    But don't worry; I’ve found a solution. There’s plenty of lead-free cinnamon available, and I’ve listed the best safe cinnamon brands for you to check out.

    These brands prioritize your health by testing their products for lead, so you can enjoy all the benefits of cinnamon without the risk.

    I know how important it is to find quality ingredients for my kitchen, and now I’m on a mission to share that knowledge with you. If you want to learn more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and find out which brands are completely safe, head over to my blog. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this crucial information! Stay safe and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 02:18 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey everyone!
    I recently came across some shocking information about lead in cinnamon, and I just had to share it with you all. I know we all love the rich flavor and warmth cinnamon brings to our food, but did you know that some cinnamon brands might be contaminated with lead?

    I’ve been using cinnamon in my smoothies, oatmeal, and even baked goods for years, so I didn’t think twice about the brand I was choosing. But after doing some research, I learned that certain cinnamon, especially the cheaper varieties, might have dangerous levels of lead. Lead can be harmful, especially if consumed over time, and it can accumulate in your body, leading to health issues like neurological problems and digestive issues.

    So, how do you avoid this dangerous lead in cinnamon? Well, I’ve been hunting for safe cinnamon brands, and I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to enjoy cinnamon without the risk. Some brands have been tested to be free from lead, so you can indulge in your favorite spice without worrying about your health.

    I highly recommend choosing lead-free cinnamon, and I’ve even compiled a list of the best safe cinnamon brands that you can trust. These brands make sure to test their products thoroughly, so you can enjoy your cinnamon without any worries.

    If you want to know more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and discover which brands to trust, check out my blog. I’ve included everything you need to make an informed decision when buying cinnamon. Don’t compromise your health—learn how to pick safe cinnamon and keep your food delicious and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 01:55 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey there! I hope you’re all doing well.

    I have to ask—have you ever thought about what’s really in the cinnamon you’re using every day? I didn’t either, until I started reading about lead contamination in cinnamon. It turns out, many brands of cinnamon contain harmful levels of lead, and we unknowingly consume it in our foods. It was a huge wake-up call for me, and I think it’s time we all started paying closer attention to the cinnamon we buy.

    I want to share with you what I’ve learned about lead in cinnamon and how to avoid it. For a while, I had no idea that some cheaper cinnamon brands could contain lead, but as I researched, I found that lead is often found in Cassia cinnamon (the most common type). That’s right—the same cinnamon you might be sprinkling on your coffee could be dangerous!

    But don't worry; I’ve found a solution. There’s plenty of lead-free cinnamon available, and I’ve listed the best safe cinnamon brands for you to check out.

    These brands prioritize your health by testing their products for lead, so you can enjoy all the benefits of cinnamon without the risk.

    I know how important it is to find quality ingredients for my kitchen, and now I’m on a mission to share that knowledge with you. If you want to learn more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and find out which brands are completely safe, head over to my blog. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this crucial information! Stay safe and healthy!

  • Kommentar-Link mtsnovosibirskTub Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 00:59 gepostet von mtsnovosibirskTub

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  • Kommentar-Link Juniorempic Sonntag, 09 Februar 2025 00:21 gepostet von Juniorempic

    Hey there! I hope you’re all doing well.

    I have to ask—have you ever thought about what’s really in the cinnamon you’re using every day? I didn’t either, until I started reading about lead contamination in cinnamon. It turns out, many brands of cinnamon contain harmful levels of lead, and we unknowingly consume it in our foods. It was a huge wake-up call for me, and I think it’s time we all started paying closer attention to the cinnamon we buy.

    I want to share with you what I’ve learned about lead in cinnamon and how to avoid it. For a while, I had no idea that some cheaper cinnamon brands could contain lead, but as I researched, I found that lead is often found in Cassia cinnamon (the most common type). That’s right—the same cinnamon you might be sprinkling on your coffee could be dangerous!

    But don't worry; I’ve found a solution. There’s plenty of lead-free cinnamon available, and I’ve listed the best safe cinnamon brands for you to check out.

    These brands prioritize your health by testing their products for lead, so you can enjoy all the benefits of cinnamon without the risk.

    I know how important it is to find quality ingredients for my kitchen, and now I’m on a mission to share that knowledge with you. If you want to learn more about the dangers of lead in cinnamon and find out which brands are completely safe, head over to my blog. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this crucial information! Stay safe and healthy!

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